'Living on the Edge 2022: Finding Home' Attendee Registration Form
Thank you for registering for 'Living on the Edge 2022: Finding Home'. You will find two items under 'Online community building' on the next page: A space to write your Zoom screen name and the Code of Conduct for the event below. We ask that all presenters and attendees register their screen name and read and commit to following the Code of Conduct to ensure the conference is a positive experience for everyone. Looking forward to seeing you there on Zoom May 21-22, 2022.

NOTE: Please join the event on the edzil.la website (https://edzil.la). If you have attended an online event using Edzil.la in the past, you will need to use the email address/ password you used then to simply log in. Please DO NOT make a new account. You should 'buy' a free ticket. This enables you to click into sessions when the time comes.

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