Music Group
We need YOU to understand what YOU need!
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Basic Information:
Artist/Band/Label Name: *
How many members are in your band? (if a label, how many artists/bands)
How many songs have you recorded? *
About Your Career:
Are you signed to any label? Which?
Have you released any physical media such as cassettes, CDs or vinyl?
How important is releasing physical media for you?
Do you use streaming platforms to release music?
About Streaming Platforms:
What do you think about streaming platforms?
What do you think could be improved about streaming platforms?
What is your opinion on royalty payments from streaming platforms?
What is the role of streaming platforms in your career?
Do you have a plan to promote your work on streaming platforms?
Have you had any negative experiences with streaming platforms?
What do you expect from a streaming platform?
Do you agree to receive an email follow-up?
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