Attitudes in Managing Time Efficiently
This lesson was taken from the Power for Youth Worksheet #22 and aligned to ALS Learning Strand 4: Life and Career Skills.
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Desired Competency
Identify the attitudes in managing time efficiently.
Learning Intent
a. List down ways and means to manage time efficiently.
b. Describe the pros and cons of the identified strategies to manage time efficiently.
c. Decide which strategies to practice in managing time efficiently.
Value Emphasis
Punctuality and dedication to work
For ALS Teacher's Reference
Competency/ies mapped against:
- ALS 2.0 curriculum: LS4LC-AE-PE-PSC-AE/JHS-1: Time Management
- MYDEV Module No. 4: Work Habits and Conduct  Session No. 2,  Activity No.7
Mindanao Youth for Development Project. (2016). Module 4: Work habits and conduct facilitator's manual, MYDEV Skills Curriculum, pp. 36- 39.
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