Application for Apollo Projects Sports Grant
Thank you for applying for the Apollo Projects Sports Grant. Please note that your application is strictly confidential unless agreed otherwise with you. Thank you to Apollo Projects for this generous funding.
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Class *
Year Level *
Please explain what you require the funding for (it could be sports fees, equipment, uniform, travel etc) *
How much funding are you requesting? Please note that the maximum grant is $500.00. If you require more than $500.00, please submit your application and this will be reviewed on a case by case basis. *
Please explain why are you applying for financial assistance through the Apollo Projects Sports Grant (please note that your answers are confidential to the committee, however it would be greatly appreciated if you can expand on why you require the funding in two sentences or less).
I agree that the Tauranga Girls' Sports Committee will have the final say on the applicant(s) to receive funding and how much of the grant they will receive. I agree and understand that I may not receive any grant at all and that my name will remain anonymous to the committee unless otherwise agreed with me.  *
I would be willing for Apollo Projects to talk about this sponsorship of me and promote my story through its channels. 

(Your answer will have no bearing on whether or not you will be successful in obtaining this grant.  However Apollo Projects would be grateful to have some students that they can promote as benefactors of this grant and it may help the sustainability of the programme in the future)
I would be happy for my information to be shared with Apollo Projects (in confidence) so that they can see the impact of their support *
I understand that my agreed sporting costs will be paid by the school and I will not receive the funds directly
Does receiving this funding impact if you can partake in your sporting goal. (as stated above)
Yes definitely
Does being involved in sport make you more likely to want to come to School.
Yes definitely
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