UTOPiAfest XiV (May '23) – Press Application
Thank you for your interest in covering UTOPiAfest Fourteen - The Finale (May 5-6, 2023), at Reveille Peak Ranch in Burnet, Texas.

Please note, you must fill out a separate form for each person from your outlet requesting credentials. Each entry will be treated as just one pass request. And once you've filled out this form, we will be in touch soon with more information as to whether your request has been approved.

If you are a returning member of the media who previously covered the festival, please make sure to note this coverage in your application.

Please have your application filled out and submitted before the deadline of 5 p.m. CDT on April 1, 2022 to be considered.

If you have any additional questions regarding your credential request, please email info@utopiafest.com.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Organization *
Email *
Phone *
Organization Type *
Publication Web Address *
Publication Circulation (for print publications)
Unique Visitors Per Month (for online publications)
What are your pre-event coverage plans? When will that coverage run?  *
What is your plan for on-site coverage of the festival Please describe in detail (2-5 sentences)
When will your on-site coverage be published or air?
Does your coverage include interviews with talent? If so, do you require assistance in setting them up? And will you need the interviews in advance of the festival or would you like to conduct them on-site if possible?
Are you requesting photography access?
Does your on-site coverage plan also include video? (If yes, please describe)
Editor's Name
Editor's Email
Editor's Phone
Additional comments/questions
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