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What is the name of your project, program, or effort?
In a single sentence, describe what it did or is doing. Think of this as a headline for your project, program, or effort.
Who or what is your project trying to influence?
Please describe your project: its goals and structure:
Can you share some results that make you view the project as a success?
How was the project funded?
Is the project on-going?
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Does your project have any upcoming events you'd like us to know about?
Did the project have partners or collaborators outside your organization?
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Please list any collaborators or partners in this project:
Do you have any additional comments?
Please enter your contact information below:
Job Title
Phone Number
Email Address
Organization Website
If there's a specific page or section of your organization's website that provides more information about your project, please past a link to it here.
Finally, how should we contact you about your project?
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If you have any photographs or documents about your project that you'd like to share, please send them to Susan Gallagher at
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