'Voluntary COVID 19 support request for Manipur' initiated by Girl Up Manipur
Hi! We are looking for voluntary support in Manipur with respect to the chaotic situation that the country is in right now due to the pandemic. Any kind and amount of support will be deeply appreciated. Please fill the form and circulate it among your friends and families, so that it can reach to more people. The form helps us in organizing the volunteers according to the services that they will be engaging with. We are organizing this voluntary group of Covid warriors to prepare ourselves in the state, before shit hits the roof!  Please be ensured that your details (phone number, email etc.) wouldn't be shared with anyone without your consent.

Thanks in advance!

Contacts: 9366991037 ; 9366074718; 9366492684; 8794590525
girlup_manipur @instagram
Girl Up Manipur @Facebook.

Disclaimer: This Google form is maintained by Girl Up Manipur volunteers. Kindly note that we are not taking any donations, money or otherwise.  We are merely collating information (after thorough verification) on vendors/hospitals/nursing homes/pharmacies in public domain so that a person in need may be able to quickly access it.
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Which service(s) are you willing to provide? *
Kindly provide specific details about the services you have agreed to engage in, and how much time will you be able to commit to. *
Name *
Email ID
Phone number *
Would you like to join the whatsapp group for volunteers? (for easy coordination) *
Location (city, town, district) *
Address (if only relevant, e.g., pharmacy)
Are you willing to share your address or phone number on social media? *
Social media handles (Instagram/Twitter/Facebook). Please share if you have any one of them.
Anything that you would want to add apart from the above. It can be suggestions too.
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