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🏗️ Fractal Ecosystem Grants Season 3
Applying for the
Season 3
Ecosystem Grants? Keep filling out this form to complete your application.
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* Indicates required question
Please fill out your name.
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Project Name
Your answer
X Link
Your answer
Website (If any)
Your answer
Project Type
DeFi - DEX
DeFi - Bridge
DeFi - Stablecoin
DeFi - Derivatives
DeFi - Launchpad
DeFi - Vault & Mining
Consumer - AI
Consumer - NFT
Consumer - Social
Consumer - Meme
Consumer - Gaming
Infrastructure & Tooling
Tell us about your team.
Who are the founders and core members of your project? What is the size of your team?
Your answer
Who is your target audience?
Your answer
What makes your project unique?
Your answer
What is the long-term vision for your project?
Your answer
What does your product roadmap look like?
Your answer
Which phase are you in?
How do you intend to drive growth?
Your answer
How has the community responded to your project? Please specify traction and metrics.
Your answer
How do you intend to build on Fractal or integrate Fractal into your solution?
Your answer
Please specify your contributions to Fractal so far.
Your answer
How would you like to collaborate with Fractal?
Your answer
Please document any achievements or milestones your team has accomplished.
Provide as much as details as possible.
Your answer
Why would you like to apply for a grant to support your work on Fractal?
Please share your motivations and how the grant will help further your work on the project.
Your answer
How do you plan to use the grant funding to create a meaningful impact on Fractal?
Please show how the funding will contribute to the project's growth or milestones in the long run.
Your answer
Have you applied for Fractal's Season 1/2 Ecosystem Grant?
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