Gaza Mutual Aid Solidarity Sign Up

We are an ad-hoc group of volunteers who have loved ones in Gaza. Our goal is to give direct mutual aid to help displaced & distressed families meet their basic needs during these catastrophic times.

There are two options for participating:

1) Create your own micro fundraiser, collect donations however you choose, any amount from a few hundred to a few thousand. Contact us via email once you have gathered the funds, and we will provide further instructions.

2) Donate money directly to us that we can distribute to vetted individuals, family, and initiatives via option 2.

Venmo: @laziza-farm (last 4 digits are 6301)

Paypal (PLEASE use friends and family, this option is easier to find on a browser window): @JacquelineShabib

Cashapp: $HadeelAssali

Zelle: 281-435-8779 (Amanda) or 713-402-8373 (Hadeel)

**A note for all types of transactions: If using a note please avoid the words "gaza" or "palestine" as well as the flag or watermelon emojis. Instead, please use other words such as "soup" "blankets" "tents" "water" etc, or the emojis that correspond to those words. This helps avoid getting flagged/funds being frozen.**

If you are unable to participate in the above options please just share with your community!

Any Questions, Comments, etc please contact us via email:

Thank you so much for your support & generosity, it really does make a difference for the people in Gaza. 

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Please acknowledge that these disclaimers will be added to the fundraiser:

1) We are not a 501(c)(3) group.

2) We will check and make sure the destination of the donation is not on the following lists before we send the money:
- Foreign Terror Organizations list
- US Sanctions list
- Areas are not sanctioned areas
- Non-SDN Palestinian Legislative Council list 

Full Name *
Email *
Social Media Handle (instagram)
How would you like to participate? (can select more than one) *
For Option 1: If you have already completed a Micro fundraiser and are ready to donate, please let us know about your Micro fundraiser and the amount here. We will be in touch on where to send it: 
For Option 1: Is it ok if we list your Micro fundraiser publicly on our social media / website? (website is in the works)
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For Option 2: Do you need to donate through a different platform than the ones we have provided? If so please let us know how on this form, and we will get back to you.
For Option 2: Is it ok if we list your name publicly as a supporter?
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How did you find out about us? (name/ig handle/etc) *
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