2021 Lobby Day Registration
Fill this out to participate in the lobby day!
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Name   *
Phone number   *
Email Address   *
Use this link to find your Senate District #:  https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/findyourlegislator/leg-districts.html *
Use this link to find your House District #:  https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/findyourlegislator/leg-districts.html *
What times are you available on Feb 22 and 23? Please select all available times. Please note that we are trying to coordinate legislators with constituents from their district, so there may be specific times to work around. We will be in touch about timing after we have more input from volunteer and legislators. *
Are you interested in helping ahead of time with planning and scheduling?
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How are you connected to Midwifery? *
Home Address
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