Trials of Spring Survey
Please complete the questions below about your organization's use of THE TRIALS OF SPRING feature film and/or short films. We hope you will respond candidly—your feedback will help us to measure the impact of the series as well as to better serve you in the future!
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Have you used your Trials of Spring DVD yet? *
Total Number of Screenings
Please include the total number of screenings of all the films held by your organization.
Which films were screened?
Screening Dates
List the dates or the date range during which screenings were held.
Screening Locations
List all the places where screenings were held (city, state/province, country).
Average Audience Size
How many people attended EACH of your screenings? If you held more than one event, please include the AVERAGE audience size. And if you don't have an exact headcount, an estimate is fine!
Audience Age
Choose the student or age group that was most representative of your audiences.
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Audience Gender
Choose the gender make-up that was most representative of your audiences.
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Audience Detail
Tell us about who attended your screenings. For example, were audience members primarily staff, students, local leaders, or government officials?
Resource Materials
Did you find the discussion guide and/or curriculum useful?
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Tell us about the discussions at your screenings. What were the main topics or themes addressed? Did the audience discuss next steps or action ideas?
Your Goals
How effective were your screenings at meeting your organization's goals for showing the films?
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How effective were your screenings at educating audience members about the role women played in the Arab uprisings and its aftermath?
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How effective were your screenings at inspiring audiences to organize or take action in their communities?
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How effective were your screenings at building the leadership capacity of audiences?
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How effective were your screenings at forging new networks or partnerships to support your organization's work?
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Future Use
Will you continue to the use the films in your work?
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Future Use (Continued)
If you answered YES to the question above, please let us know how.
More Films
Would it be helpful to have access to more films focusing on women and peacebuilding?
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Additional Anecdotes
Please tell us anything else that is noteworthy about your use of the screening kits. Feel free to include positive or negative feedback.
Thank you for completing the survey!
If you have photographs or videos from your screenings, we would love to see them—share them with us on Facebook, Twitter, or email!

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