Current Weight (or last recent weight known): (kg)
Your answer
Goal Weight (kg) if known:
Your answer
Please read this question very carefully...How active are you (NOT including exercise)? This question is asking how active you are on a daily basis WITHOUT taking into account any exercise you do. (for example a manual labourer would be much more active than a sedentary desk worker sat down all day).
Extremely Active
Clear selection
If on the previous question IF you scored yourself more than 3 out of 10 for how active you are (excluding exercise), please could you explain why you have given yourself the higher score (for example a physically demanding job, give examples, etc - this is important when factoring in your calorie requirements, as you will require a higher number of calories than the average sedendary person)...
Your answer
How many times a week do you CURRENTLY exercise, and how long is a typical workout? Is it mainly weight training, cardio or something else?
Your answer
If you are not exercising, what physical activity (if any) do you plan to do? E.g. walking a dog twice a day for 20min each walk, achieving 5,000-10,000 steps a day, cycling to work 10min each way, etc.
Your answer
Which option most closely matches your goal? You may select more than one...