NYUE group class sign-up 2024-25
Our Team: Miss Janice, Miss Zenith, Miss Jodie, Miss Jeen, Miss Regine

Our Philosophy: Child-centred education, interactive and experiential learning, thematic learning, motivation in leaning, dialogic reading

Tuition Fee: Zoom Classes
  • Story-time Zoom: $120(30mins), $180(45mins), $240(60mins)
  • Chatterbox Zoom: $290(45mins)
  • Little Teachers Zoom: $480(60mins)
  • Creative writing/Little Scholars zoom: $380(60mins)
Tuition Fee: Face-to-face Classes
  • Little Scholars & Little Explorers: $550(75mins), $715(120mins)
  • Mighty Learners & Go-getters: $590(90mins)
Tuition Fee: Private Classes
  • Private Speech Training: $600(30mins) (Minimum: 2 sessions per week)
  • Private Class: $900-1,300/hour
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