Apply for The Mighty Minds Club
Thank you for your interest the Mighty Minds Club! Â đŸ™ŒđŸ»

We're a community of  working professionals ‹who share and create ‘things to think with’—interesting, practical (and perhaps playful?) tools that anyone can use to work through complex challenges.

** NOTE: If you're reading this, then you are among the FIRST WAVE of folks who (a) were invited here (Hi! 👋 ) or have expressed interest in helping to build out this community, or (b) saw a post online and are curious about what's going on
 Translation: There's not much happening, just yet. If this sounds too early stage for you—if you're looking for a more established community—check back in a few months. Otherwise, we would love to have you during these earliest days as we—together—set the direction for what's to come!
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What's your name? *

and email address? *
What is one thing you would love to see as part of this private community? *
What would dissuade you from joining this community? *
What would ensure that you stuck around in this community? (i.e. That it continued to be of value to you?) *
I'm looking for this community to be a calm and thoughtful place to share ideas and help others.  What can you tell me to indicate that you would be an active and value-giving member? *
This community is centered around  playful things to think with, which includes everything from card decks to workshop activities to interactive simulations. Do you have something like this you’re creating, would like to create, or have created? If so, share a bit about this
Can you share a personal website, twitter account, LinkedIn profile, or other online 'presence' where I can learn more about you? (optional)
I am charging a small monthly fee to cover the costs associated with hosting and running a *thoughtful* collaboration space. Are you okay paying $5 month? *
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