Fap Family Farms
Farming for future faps (yeehaw)
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Overall satisfaction with my patreon? *
Oh bROtHer, this guy STINKS
Stay gold, Ponyboy
The classic question: what y'all bitches want? *
Story-driven, or mostly porn? *
How adventurous do you prefer your story setups? *
Slice of life; the coffeeshop AUs of erotica
The world is my holodeck and I'm here for the tentacles
Fav dynamics? *
We gettin romantic with it, or slathering ourselves in goose grease and whipping out the slip n slide?  *
Dick: sploodin'. Heart: 'splodin'.
Roll it out over some pinecones for spice
Do you appreciate a visual description, and if so, what's a sight that gives you Grandpa knee?
What are your thoughts on the usage of "dick" in porn? *
What is it that draws you to my work?
Do you have a favorite audio, and if so, what makes it stand out? Themes, positions, that one line that gets your blood pumping, etc.
How important is creator engagement to you? *
I'm just here for the audios
I'm just here for the Pigge (www.betterhelp.com)
Do you have any suggestions for how I could improve as a creator? 
I'd give you all a hug if I could, but since such an intimacy can never come to pass, I'll send you off with one of my favorite jams instead:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNyPyy02SCU

I hope you have an amazing day!!! <3
also y'all I had takoyaki for the first time the other day. why did no one prepare me for how unnervingly soft it is
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