Job Title Survey
AED is interested in what kinds of jobs deacons and those with a diaconal vocation work in and what types of titles describe work that we do: including secular work, church work, and work that involves some overlap. Most of the questions are optional.
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
Your Name
What is your current order of ministry? *
Your Diocese
What types of jobs do you currently do (church and otherwise)?
Check all that apply
Full-time pay
Part-time pay
Stipend (ie. deacon minimal compensation)
Other pay arrangement
I'm retired
Secular / non-church job
Government job
Job in an Episcopal church or organization
Job in another denominational church or org
Job with overlap between secular and faith-related functions
Job Titles - Full-time or Part-time pay
List your job title(s) for any roles you selected above as having full-time or part-time pay.
Job Titles - Stipendiary
List your job title(s) for any roles for which you receive a stipend (not wages/salary)
Job Titles - Non-stipendiary
List your job title(s) for any non-stipendiary roles
Intersection with diaconal vocation
In any of the above roles, where do you find the most intersection with diaconal vocation? Consider, for example, the liturgy for the ordination of a deacon (BCP pp. 537-47). 
Populations served
The Examination of a deacon includes this charge: "In the name of Jesus Christ, you are to serve all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely." How would you describe the groups / types / populations of people you serve?
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Tento formulář byl vytvořen v doméně Association for Episcopal Deacons. Nahlásit zneužití