Teaching in the Age of AI: Enhancing Learning with ChatGPT - New Ideas in Education Webinar No. 1
SEAMEO STEM-ED together with the Ministry of Education of Thailand and Code.org Organization, we are delighted to announce the  Webinar under the title "Teaching in the Age of AI: Enhancing Learning with ChatGPT - New Ideas in Education Webinar No. 1" This webinar will be conducted on 21 April 2023 from 08:30 to 11:30 hrs [Bangkok Time, GMT+7].

We are encouraged you to complete this registration form for our reference and information. You may need to provide an active email for further communication with us. The zoom link will be sent in due course to your provided email with the confirmation email, please be informed of that.

Should you need more clarification or information, please feel free to contact Dr Orawan Sriboonruang, STEM Education Specialist - Professional Academy & Learning Resources; E-mail: orawans@seameo-stemed.org

Thank you for your interest and attention.

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Email *
Title *
Gender *
Given Name and Family Name  *
Name of your School/Institute/organization
Name of your Country
Your role/position in your school/institution/organization *
How will you plan using the experience/knowledge during the webinar to plan/ implement in your classroom/school/organization?] *
Do you have any questions that you would like to ask related to the Webinar Title, please indicate?
Do you allow us to use your information, photo/VDO for the research purpose?  *
Information Notes

Thank you for your registration to participate in our workshop. We are pleased to inform you that this Webinar will be broadcasted live via the Centre's social media channels for easy access to all participants.

How to join us:

Option 1: Join the Zoom Link provided below. However, it will be first-come-first-serve as we have limited seats. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84083549653?pwd=VTJNRGc3OFZvLy9HTm91QTQrWHhLdz09

Option 2: Watch via the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SEAMEOSTEMED

The concept note and programme will be shared through  


Focal Person: Dr Orawan Sriboonruang orawans@seameo-stemed.org 

Thank you very much!

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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