Business Assistance Request Form 2020
Please answer the following questions to request assistance from the Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce. We will help our local business owners as quickly as possible, based on the information you provide as well as our organizational capacity.  We cannot guarantee you will receive the loan or grant you seek.
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Owner Name *
Owner Mobile Phone Number *
Owner Email Address
Owner Preferred Language
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Business Legal Name
Business Location Address
Business Website Address
What relief program(s) is the Business interested in seeking?  
Is the Business a Member of the Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce?
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Would the Business like more information about joining the Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce or getting more involved in our business community?
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Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce fosters the economic growth, inclusive diversity, and shared prosperity of our community through advocacy, networking, and education. We envision a community that is a beacon for economic opportunity, mutual respect, and solidarity. As we overcome challenges and reach for our dreams, we transform ourselves and redefine what it means to be an American.  For more information, visit the Chamber @
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