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Advent Calendar Registration
Event Timing: December 1st-24th, 2018
Event Address:
Contact us at
Please note: All gifts are given freely without any expectation of additional purchases or continued business from the recipient or the Grieving Parents Support Network and our followers.
Check out our Terms and Conditions here:
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* Indicates required question
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Organization name and website address
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FB Page
...where you will post about the Advent Calendar...
Your answer
I understand that I will share the original post announcing the Advent Calendar (link below) and the post with my gift on the FB page of my Organization
This is the link of the event to share:
What I would like to donate to the Advent Calendar
Just the name, i.e. Book 'Surviving My First Year of Child Loss'
Your answer
How my gift supports bereaved parents
Please describe your gift in 1-3 sentences, i.e. This book will support you in finding renewed Hope.
Your answer
I understand that my gift needs to be able to be sent world-wide, downloaded, or, if a service, needs to be able to be claimed through online contact
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