Water Damage and Roofing of Georgetown - (512) 815-1449
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Company Description
Water Damage and Roofing of Georgetown has provided thousands of happy clients for several years with professional roofing services. Our roofing Georgetown specialists offer roofing services - roof repair, roof replacement, roof installation, reroof, hail damage roofing, roof inspection, and roof estimate.

Contact Details:
Water Damage and Roofing of Georgetown
101 Commerce Blvd #34
Georgetown, TX 78626
Phone: (512) 815-1449
Website: https://wdr-roofing-company-georgetown.business.site/
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/waterdamageandroofing
Google Folder: https://mgyb.co/s/WNcQX

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Average Roof Replacement Cost
The average lifespan of a roof is 30 years - provided it was well-constructed with quality material. Roofs are however, prone to weather damages because they are the most exposed part of a house so more often than not, roofs require repairs in some parts.

Caring for your roof is essential. Doing repairs when necessary prevent leaks in rainy weather. Leaks lead to the development of moisture that can damage the wooden structure of the house. Not waiting until it is too late to have repairs done will also save you lots of money.

For many DIY people, the most obvious thing to do is to repair the roof themselves. But roofing repairs, it must be noted, can be quite tricky and unless you are a roofing contractor yourself, you must come to terms with the fact that you might need to hire a professional roofer.

In the following short report, you will find out practical reasons why roofing repairs must be left to the professionals only, the benefits of hiring a roofer and the 5 essential things you must know before calling the local roofing company.

Should You Do It Yourself?

Many people opt for DIY repairs because it saves a lot of money, and it can be fun sometimes. However, there are simply some projects that must be handled only by professional contractors and roofing repair is one of these.

There are lots of mistakes that one who is not well versed in doing roof repairs can commit... And these mistakes can be really costly and even life-threatening!

The following are the most common mistakes DIY people commit when it comes to roof repairs:

They ignore safety precautions

Roofing repairs and installations is one of the most dangerous occupations of all time. There are a lot of hazards involved in it such as falls, tool hazards, injuries like puncture wounds and cuts, electrical and fire hazards and natural dangers like strong winds, ice and lightning. Is it worth it to lose limb or life just to save a small amount of money?

1. Fasteners end up in the wrong place

Just one fastener out of place can cost you hundreds of dollars plus more repairs. This mistake is easily avoided if you know what you're doing or if you hired someone who does.

2. They buy the wrong roofing systems

A poor choice in roofing system increases the risks already associated to roof repairs. Metal roofs become slippery with the slightest amount of moisture and asphalt roofs require a certain slope to prevent leaks. Speaking of slopes, there are requirements that must be considered and only a roofer understands these.

Mistakes in roof repairs or installations will lead to the necessity of replacing the system again, thus the need to spend more cash. Additional expenses can be avoided by hiring a reliable roofing company.

Why It Is Best to Hire a Professional Roofer

Aside from the avoidance of mistakes and unnecessary expenses, there are other benefits to hiring a professional roofing contractor:

• The right type of roofing system is used. Since there are many different types of roofing materials (metal, steel panels, wood shakes, asphalt shingles, clay tiles, rubber slates, etc.), choosing the right one can get confusing. By hiring a roofing contractor, you are spared from making mistakes that you'll soon regret.

• The old roofing material is properly disposed of. Majority of roofing contractors will cover everything from removing the old roofing, replacing it and disposing of the old material.

• Expert installation. You are sure that the roofing system is installed securely and weather tight.

• Damage to the roof system is avoided. Roofers have scaffoldings that they use to repair or install roofs without inflicting damage to other parts of the roof or house.

• Your roofer will help you decide if a new roof needs to be installed or if some repairs are all it takes.

• Get advice on the side. Good advice on roof care is a bonus you get from your roofing contractor. A professional roofer can tell you ways to care for the most exposed part of your house and ensure that it will last as long as it can.

Roof repair is not as simple a task as many might think. There are lots of tiny details that must be considered if you want your roof to become good as new. A reliable contractor can help you figure out what needs to be done and how much everything will cost you.
Roof Restoration
Roof Restoration
Roof Replacement Cost
Built up roofing These roofing systems are often referred to as "tar and gravel" roofs. It is one of the oldest and most reliable commercial roofing systems for flat roof structures. It consists of multiple plies of roof felts laminated together with bitumen. The original cost of a BUR system is greater than other roofing systems but it is a favourite of architects, engineers, building owners, roofing manufacturers and contractors. It has a proven track record of reaching 150 years. It is thick and durable and can be used in waterproofing applications. Even after many years of service, it can still be maintained and repaired for extended life. However, it can be quite expensive to transport this material. It is heavy and the material is not stable at high temperatures.
Composite Roof Shingles
By having the right roofing terms to describe the nature of your roofing project and the type of materials for which you are looking, you'll save lots of time and avoid the problem of having to return items because they weren't what you thought you needed.

Roofing Material

The roofing term
oofing material is the first of the roofing terms you need to understand. Roofing materials are what are used to construct roofs, and over eighty percent of residential roofs in the Untied States are made of asphalt shingle roofing material. But other roofing materials are different kinds of metals, tile, wood, slate, and even rubber.

If you want an asphalt roof, you'll need to know the roofing terms used to refer to the two types of asphalt shingles, which are organic and fiberglass. Fiberglass roofing shingles have a fiberglass mat which makes them more fire resistant than composition shingles. But composition asphalt shingles are made with natural mats of wood, cellulose fiber, or recyclable corrugated cardboard, which makes them more environmentally friendly.

Other Essential Roofing Terms

The next roofing terms you'll have to know are
oofing nails and
oofing screws. Roofing nails are used to secure all roofing materials except metal and rubber. Metal roofing is secured with roofing screws, and rubber roofing is secured with an adhesive and weighted down while the adhesive dries.

The next of the necessary roofing terms is
oof edging. Roof edging is a strip of either aluminum or steel is run around the entire perimeter of a roof both to create a finished appearance and to support the shingles which extend out over the roof's edges. Roof edging is also used along the edges of
oll roofing,' another of the roofing terms describing rolls of felt soaked in tar which are rolled out on a roof prior to the installation of the shingles, to act as extra leak prevention.

Describing the Roof Itself

Roofing terms which apply to the roofing contractors itself include the crown, which is the highest point of a peaked roof, and the edge, which is the edge either along the sides of gables or along the gutters. An overlap is the term for the area of one shingle placed over the edge of another, and
oof glue is only one of the different roofing terms referring to the tarry adhesive which roofers seal one layer of shingles to an underlying layer when working in areas or along edges where the use of nails is awkward.
Roof Inspection
Roof Inspection
Roof Estimate
It's a simple fact that Massachusetts roofing contractors, and roofing contractors in general, are not as busy during the winter. What this means for a homeowner needing a new roof is that the roof contractor you choose might be able to install your new roofing in a matter of days from the time that you sign the contract as opposed to waiting weeks, or even months sometimes, if you hold off until the spring, summer, and fall months. For many homeowners this reason alone should be enough to have your roof done in the winter time.
Flat Roof Construction
Flat Roof Construction
Garage Roof Replacement Near Me
If you live in an area of the country, such as Massachusetts, with harsh winters you might be wondering why anyone would consider roof replacement in the winter time. Well, it's not as uncommon as you might think. Many roofing contractors offer their services year round even in cold and snowy regions like Massachusetts, which is where I'm from. Roofing Massachusetts homes during the winter is no different for a roofing contractor than doing it any other time of the year, with a few exception, and some roofing contractors and there crews even say that they prefer it. First let's go over what makes roofing more difficult this time of year and the arguments against having a new roof installed right now.

It's too cold outside for a roof replacement.

This argument just doesn't hold any water. It may be cold out now but who cares? Your roof doesn't care. The crew installing your roof doesn't care. Don't worry about the guys doing the installation. If the cold weather bothered them that much they wouldn't be up there installing your new roof in the first place, they would be working an indoor job. I know a lot of guys that prefer roofing in cold weather just because it is cold. Try roofing a black roof in the middle of the Summer. Lots of fun, let me tell ya. In the Summer if it is 90 degrees on the ground it feels like 110 degrees up on that roof (and sometimes is).

There is too much snow on my roof to have it replaced right now.

This, my friend, is why God created snow shovels. It is really not a big deal to shovel the snow off of a roof. It usually takes a half-hour to an hour to remove the snow and most roofing contractors don't even charge you extra for this as long as they are there to replace the roof and not just shovel snow (a service which many roofing companies provide in the North East). Does the crew need to be careful while doing this to avoid falling? Of course. However, the crew needs to be careful in every regard when it comes to roofing a house, this is nothing new. These guys are professionals and safety should always comes first, and does always come first with a responsible roofing company.

Alright, I just gave you 2 reasons why many people think roofing shouldn't be done in the winter and why they aren't really very good reasons at all. Now let me give you the 4 best reasons you should consider having your roof replaced this time of year.

1.) Ice dams causing leaks.

The winter time in Massachusetts tests your home and roof in ways unlike any other time of year. The most common cause of roof leaks during the winter is the dreaded ice dam. An ice dam is formed over the eaves of a house from built up snow melting and running down the roof only to refreeze at the very edge of the roof line. Here in Massachusetts, as well as other cold climate areas, roofing contractors use a product called ice & water barrier together with proper drip-edge flashing techniques to prevent ice dams from damaging your home and causing leaks. This technique, when done properly, provides added protection for at least 3 feet up from all edges of the roof. Many older roofs do not have ice & water barrier installed. If your roof is leaking because of ice dams this could be a great time to have the roof redone properly and insure that ice dams will not be bothering you and your home again.

2.) Winter conditions, in general, make a bad roof worse.

If you had a bad roof before winter hit it is only going to be in worse shape once spring arrives. There are many factors that adversely affect your roof in the cold weather. I already discussed ice dams but there's more. During the winter as the temperature fluctuates it makes your shingles expand and contract causing curling and cracking in older shingles. Now let's say some of your old roof shingles curl a bit, then you get a nice wet, heavy snow and the weight of the snow causes some of those curled shingles to crack. Now you have a potential new roof leak. Also, when that wet, heavy snow then freezes it will possibly cause even more damage to your old roof shingles. The thawing and refreezing that occurs throughout the winter time is nothing but bad for old shingles. Old roofs hate the cold winters.

3.) Faster service on your new roof installation.

It's a simple fact that Massachusetts roofing contractors, and roofing contractors in general, are not as busy during the winter. What this means for a homeowner needing a new roof is that the roof contractor you choose might be able to install your new roofing in a matter of days from the time that you sign the contract as opposed to waiting weeks, or even months sometimes, if you hold off until the spring, summer, and fall months. For many homeowners this reason alone should be enough to have your roof done in the winter time.

4.) Save money by taking advantage of a slow time of year for roofers.

Who doesn't want to save as much money as possible especially when it comes to an expensive home improvement project such as re-roofing. For the same reasons that you may be able to receive faster installation service on a new roof from a roofing contractor during the winter, you will also probably receive a better price than you would during the warmer months. Most professional roof installers will provide you with the same labor warranty for a roof installed in winter time as a roof installed any other time of year. The material warranty is provided by the shingle manufacturer and will be the same regardless of what season the roof was installed. Roofing contractors want to keep their crews busy and will give you a better price just to avoid having to lay off employees during the winter slowdown.
Roof Replacement Estimate
Roof Replacement Estimate
Roofing Shingles Near Me
The most important part of any kind of building is the roof. All roofs are designed to protect the rest of the structure. If the structure is not built with a roof that is compliant with the overall structural design, the building would be destroyed by nature alone.

Commercial roofing is a building material that is used for protecting and sealing the top of a commercial structure. Unlike residential roofing that is steeply sloped, commercial roofing generally has a flat slope.

Different materials are used to create commercial roofing systems and each type has benefits and disadvantages:

Slate roofing Slate roofing is expensive. However, slate can last from tens to hundreds of years. So, if you consider the longevity of the material, it can turn out to be the most cost-effective roofing material. Slate roofing materials are beautiful roofing systems available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. They are also low maintenance because slate is naturally resistant to algae and moss. Slate roofing systems are fireproof and water repellent. They are also highly resistant to hail and wind. Slate is also eco-friendly in that when they need to be replaced they can be discarded as clean land fill or they can be recycled and used for roofing again.

Asphalt Shingles Asphalt shingles are commonly used by many steep-slope commercial roofing applications. It comes in many colors and styles. They are affordable and application is easy. However, this material deteriorates easily. It is not resistant to high winds and have been known to be blown off the roof. Asphalt shingles scar very easily under that hot sun and they are prone to mildew and moss in places with moist climates. This material is also not environmentally friendly.

Metal roofing Metal roofing involves a high cost of installation. It is also susceptible to wind damage. It can be quite noisy when it rains or when it hails. In addition to that, a metal roof is easily scratched or dented. Despite these disadvantages however, it is still a favourite of many roofing experts because it is strong, durable and fire resistant. It is very low maintenance, earth-friendly and recyclable.

Built up roofing These roofing systems are often referred to as ar and gravel roofs. It is one of the oldest and most reliable commercial roofing systems for flat roof structures. It consists of multiple plies of roof felts laminated together with bitumen. The original cost of a BUR system is greater than other roofing systems but it is a favourite of architects, engineers, building owners, roofing manufacturers and contractors. It has a proven track record of reaching 150 years. It is thick and durable and can be used in waterproofing applications. Even after many years of service, it can still be maintained and repaired for extended life. However, it can be quite expensive to transport this material. It is heavy and the material is not stable at high temperatures.

Modified Bitumen Modified Bitumen roofing is asphalt-based and closely related to Built up roofing (BUR) and is also used on low-slope or flat roof structures. Modified Bitumen gives designers a broader array of options compared to BUR. Additionally, Modified Bitumen products undergo the same fire and uplift resistance testing standards that BUR goes through. A big disadvantage of Modified Bitumen Roofing Systems is that it is not absolutely effective on flat roofs because it has only one layer and when there is a downpour and the roof area becomes totally submerged, water can find even the smallest opening. If this happens, water will seep through your roof.
Metal Roofing
Asphalt roofing: If you want the roof to last longer even against the most harsh climatic condition, then asphalt roofing could be your choice. It is also less expensive than clay and slate roofing. Asphalt roofing, with proper maintenance can last as long as twenty years.
Metal Shingles
Metal Shingles
Roofers Near Me
If you live in an area of the country, such as Massachusetts, with harsh winters you might be wondering why anyone would consider roof replacement in the winter time. Well, it's not as uncommon as you might think. Many roofing contractors offer their services year round even in cold and snowy regions like Massachusetts, which is where I'm from. Roofing Massachusetts homes during the winter is no different for a roofing contractor than doing it any other time of the year, with a few exception, and some roofing contractors and there crews even say that they prefer it. First let's go over what makes roofing more difficult this time of year and the arguments against having a new roof installed right now.

It's too cold outside for a roof replacement.

This argument just doesn't hold any water. It may be cold out now but who cares? Your roof doesn't care. The crew installing your roof doesn't care. Don't worry about the guys doing the installation. If the cold weather bothered them that much they wouldn't be up there installing your new roof in the first place, they would be working an indoor job. I know a lot of guys that prefer roofing in cold weather just because it is cold. Try roofing a black roof in the middle of the Summer. Lots of fun, let me tell ya. In the Summer if it is 90 degrees on the ground it feels like 110 degrees up on that roof (and sometimes is).

There is too much snow on my roof to have it replaced right now.

This, my friend, is why God created snow shovels. It is really not a big deal to shovel the snow off of a roof. It usually takes a half-hour to an hour to remove the snow and most roofing contractors don't even charge you extra for this as long as they are there to replace the roof and not just shovel snow (a service which many roofing companies provide in the North East). Does the crew need to be careful while doing this to avoid falling? Of course. However, the crew needs to be careful in every regard when it comes to roofing a house, this is nothing new. These guys are professionals and safety should always comes first, and does always come first with a responsible roofing company.

Alright, I just gave you 2 reasons why many people think roofing shouldn't be done in the winter and why they aren't really very good reasons at all. Now let me give you the 4 best reasons you should consider having your roof replaced this time of year.

1.) Ice dams causing leaks.

The winter time in Massachusetts tests your home and roof in ways unlike any other time of year. The most common cause of roof leaks during the winter is the dreaded ice dam. An ice dam is formed over the eaves of a house from built up snow melting and running down the roof only to refreeze at the very edge of the roof line. Here in Massachusetts, as well as other cold climate areas, roofing contractors use a product called ice & water barrier together with proper drip-edge flashing techniques to prevent ice dams from damaging your home and causing leaks. This technique, when done properly, provides added protection for at least 3 feet up from all edges of the roof. Many older roofs do not have ice & water barrier installed. If your roof is leaking because of ice dams this could be a great time to have the roof redone properly and insure that ice dams will not be bothering you and your home again.

2.) Winter conditions, in general, make a bad roof worse.

If you had a bad roof before winter hit it is only going to be in worse shape once spring arrives. There are many factors that adversely affect your roof in the cold weather. I already discussed ice dams but there's more. During the winter as the temperature fluctuates it makes your shingles expand and contract causing curling and cracking in older shingles. Now let's say some of your old roof shingles curl a bit, then you get a nice wet, heavy snow and the weight of the snow causes some of those curled shingles to crack. Now you have a potential new roof leak. Also, when that wet, heavy snow then freezes it will possibly cause even more damage to your old roof shingles. The thawing and refreezing that occurs throughout the winter time is nothing but bad for old shingles. Old roofs hate the cold winters.

3.) Faster service on your new roof installation.

It's a simple fact that Massachusetts roofing contractors, and roofing contractors in general, are not as busy during the winter. What this means for a homeowner needing a new roof is that the roof contractor you choose might be able to install your new roofing in a matter of days from the time that you sign the contract as opposed to waiting weeks, or even months sometimes, if you hold off until the spring, summer, and fall months. For many homeowners this reason alone should be enough to have your roof done in the winter time.

4.) Save money by taking advantage of a slow time of year for roofers.

Who doesn't want to save as much money as possible especially when it comes to an expensive home improvement project such as re-roofing. For the same reasons that you may be able to receive faster installation service on a new roof from a roofing contractor during the winter, you will also probably receive a better price than you would during the warmer months. Most professional roof installers will provide you with the same labor warranty for a roof installed in winter time as a roof installed any other time of year. The material warranty is provided by the shingle manufacturer and will be the same regardless of what season the roof was installed. Roofing contractors want to keep their crews busy and will give you a better price just to avoid having to lay off employees during the winter slowdown.
Best Asphalt Shingles
Choosing the Right Steel RoofingMake sure the metal roofing you're buying carries the right logo. The Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute (CSSBI) logo identifies steel that will make the grade with the long-lasting performance you require.
Best Roofers
The most important part of any kind of building is the roof. All roofs are designed to protect the rest of the structure. If the structure is not built with a roof that is compliant with the overall structural design, the building would be destroyed by nature alone.

Commercial roofing is a building material that is used for protecting and sealing the top of a commercial structure. Unlike residential roofing that is steeply sloped, commercial roofing generally has a flat slope.

Different materials are used to create commercial roofing systems and each type has benefits and disadvantages:

Slate roofing Slate roofing is expensive. However, slate can last from tens to hundreds of years. So, if you consider the longevity of the material, it can turn out to be the most cost-effective roofing material. Slate roofing materials are beautiful roofing systems available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. They are also low maintenance because slate is naturally resistant to algae and moss. Slate roofing systems are fireproof and water repellent. They are also highly resistant to hail and wind. Slate is also eco-friendly in that when they need to be replaced they can be discarded as clean land fill or they can be recycled and used for roofing again.

Asphalt Shingles Asphalt shingles are commonly used by many steep-slope commercial roofing applications. It comes in many colors and styles. They are affordable and application is easy. However, this material deteriorates easily. It is not resistant to high winds and have been known to be blown off the roof. Asphalt shingles scar very easily under that hot sun and they are prone to mildew and moss in places with moist climates. This material is also not environmentally friendly.

Metal roofing Metal roofing involves a high cost of installation. It is also susceptible to wind damage. It can be quite noisy when it rains or when it hails. In addition to that, a metal roof is easily scratched or dented. Despite these disadvantages however, it is still a favourite of many roofing experts because it is strong, durable and fire resistant. It is very low maintenance, earth-friendly and recyclable.

Built up roofing These roofing systems are often referred to as ar and gravel roofs. It is one of the oldest and most reliable commercial roofing systems for flat roof structures. It consists of multiple plies of roof felts laminated together with bitumen. The original cost of a BUR system is greater than other roofing systems but it is a favourite of architects, engineers, building owners, roofing manufacturers and contractors. It has a proven track record of reaching 150 years. It is thick and durable and can be used in waterproofing applications. Even after many years of service, it can still be maintained and repaired for extended life. However, it can be quite expensive to transport this material. It is heavy and the material is not stable at high temperatures.

Modified Bitumen Modified Bitumen roofing is asphalt-based and closely related to Built up roofing (BUR) and is also used on low-slope or flat roof structures. Modified Bitumen gives designers a broader array of options compared to BUR. Additionally, Modified Bitumen products undergo the same fire and uplift resistance testing standards that BUR goes through. A big disadvantage of Modified Bitumen Roofing Systems is that it is not absolutely effective on flat roofs because it has only one layer and when there is a downpour and the roof area becomes totally submerged, water can find even the smallest opening. If this happens, water will seep through your roof.
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