2022 Playoffs!!
Please let me know your availability for the dates listed below.  The Boys basketball team will be hosting the first two rounds of playoff games this year.  We should have a band there to help make sure there is a home court advantage!!  

Your attendance to the regular season and these couple playoff games will be considered, if we end up have one or both (Boys and Girls) make the Quarterfinals.  Games from that point on are neutral court and will require us to load up a bus and travel.  The travel band will be around 40 students.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Instrument *
Are you available for the 1st Round Boys Basketball Playoff Game on Tuesday, March 1 (6:15 - 8:45pm)? *
Are you available for the 2nd Round Boys Basketball Playoff Game on Friday, March 4 (6:15 - 8:45pm)? *
Are you interested in travelling with the band to a quarterfinal game on March 11 (Times yet to be determined)? *
If either team makes the semi-finals or finals, are you interested in travelling with the band?  (Dates and Times still yet to be determined)? *
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