HOPEmatch Nomination Form 2024
Thank you for being willing to nominate a person or family that could use HOPE this holiday season! 

  • You may submit more than one nomination.
  • Please only nominate people who live OUTSIDE of your home.  We are not able to take self-nominations.  
  • We ask that you keep your nomination a SECRET because we are not able to help every family that is nominated and we don't want anyone to be disappointed.  We like to surprise the families we serve.  
  • We also are not able to serve families who have received a Christmas blessing from us in the past.  If the family you have in mind has received a HOPEmatch Christmas blessing in the past, please do not submit their name.
  • If you are aware that the family you have in mind has already applied for other types of holiday support, please do not submit their name.  We want to help as many families as possible that are not already getting help elsewhere.
  • Please only make nominations for families that you have a relationship with and know the extent of their struggles.  We do need as much information as possible on this form to determine if they are a good fit for our program.
  • If we are able to serve the person or family you nominate, we will notify them by Thanksgiving.  If they have not heard from us by Thanksgiving, we will not be able to help this time.

ALL QUESTIONS ON NOMINATION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ENTIRELY IN ORDER FOR THE NOMINATION FORM TO BE CONSIDERED.  Please check back over your form before submitting to make sure all information is complete.
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Head of Household Full Name *
Address (including city, state and zip code) *
Head of Household Cell Phone Number *
Head of Household Email Address *
How many people live in the household most of the time? (Please include if grandparents or young adults live in the home.) *
Does this family live in the Charlotte, North Carolina area? (Mecklenburg County, Union County, Cabarrus County, Stanley County) *
What is the best time to usually reach the Head of Household? *
Does the Head of Household speak English? (if not, please type the language they speak in the "other" field) *
Please select all of the people who live in the family the majority of the year: (Please use the "Other" field if there are too many of the same type of family member.) *
Please tell us as much as possible about the person or family you are nominating. Why do they need hope this holiday season?  What have they been through this year that brought them to your mind? We will not read this to the family if we select them, but we do need as much information as possible to determine if they are a good fit for our program. *
Has anyone in the household had any major health challenges since January 2024? If yes, Please share what you know.
Are there any members of the household that have an ongoing chronic health condition that affects a household member's ability to work? If yes, Please share what you know.
Has the family experienced any loss of a loved one from their household over the past year? If yes, Please share what you know.
Does this household fall into either of these 3 categories:
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Your Full Name (Person Nominating) *
If you are a social worker, case manager, or making this nomination as part of your job to advocate for this family, please let us know the company/organization name for which you work.
Your Cell Phone Number *
When is the best time to reach you by phone? *
Your Email Address *
Tell us about how you know the person that you are nominating. *
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