OKRWG Member Registration Form
By filling out and submitting this form, you're agreeing to allow OKRWG to use the information for all member related services, including but not limited to, announcements, program updates, and polls/surveys.
Note: It may be 1-2 business days before you receive your member welcome letter. 
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Name (First) *
Name (Last) *
Email *
Mailing Address (including zip code) *
Cell Phone number (for emergency text updates in case a meeting must be canceled)
What sub-genre of romance do you write? (check all that apply)
Why are you interested in OKRWG? (check all that apply)
Are you a member of OWFI? *
Are you a member of any other OWFI affiliate? *
What kinds of programs/workshops would you like to see from OKRWG meetings?
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