Cultural Night Performance/Potluck Volunteer!
We are planning for a big Cultural Night on Wednesday April 16, at CRLS from 6:00PM-8 :30PM! Please sign up if you would like a special opportunity to perform, be a part of the cultural fashion show, and/or be a potluck volunteer for community service!  

***If you can't do any of these things, we would love for you to still come! Free food and a fun night for all :)
Please reach out with any questions at or
Email *
Name *
Would you like to RSVP for Multicultural Night 2025! *
Would you like to be a POTLUCK VOLUNTEER? (CRLS students get community service, bring in a cultural dish!) *
Would you like to be in the CULTURAL FASHION SHOW? *
Would you like to PERFORM?
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If you selected yes to any of the questions above, what culture are you representing?
Any questions for us?
Make sure to pass the word along to friends, family and anyone! We hope to make this event as a big as possible for this special night of celebrating Cambridge's diverse cultures!
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