MVPSOS Application
MVP-SOS is dedicated to helping those that do not have the financial ability to participate in extra-curricular
activities, sports or classes. All application information is confidential. Please allow 30 days to review.
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Email *
Date *
Parent or Guardian Name *
Name of Individual Applicant (Child's name you are applying for) *
Age of Applicant *
Number of Additional School Age Children in Family (NOT including applicant): *
Additional Children (Name and Age)
Mailing Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Home Number *
Mobile Number *
Email *
Name of Program: *
Schedule of Program in Months: *
Total Cost of Registration: *
Due Date of Registration Payment: *
Name of the organization the voucher should be made out to: *
Special Financial Circumstances: *
IMPORTANT! Please read carefully: To be considered for funding the first 2 pages of the parents/guardians most recent tax return (and Schedule C if applicable) must be submitted to (please put the Name of the Applicant in the subject line) in addition to this application. Please black out all social security numbers.  
NOTE: Voucher MUST be redeemed by the receiving organization within 90-days of issue date.
Please see our website for more information.
As a recipient, please help us spread the word by sharing your experience with friends
on our Facebook page or website.
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