609th UTF Recruitment Form
Welcome to the 609th United Task Force!

We are a casual Arma 3 Milsim Unit focused on organized gameplay and coordinated fun. Our unit follows a chain of command; however, we have zero tolerance for disrespect. We have a standard set of mods, including ACE, TFAR, RHS, and others. Our routine operations run every Sunday and Wednesday. Our missions include:
  • Custom Zeus operations
  • Persistent missions, such as Liberation and Antistasi
  • Training operations
If you have any questions throughout this form, feel free to reach out to the recruiter who provided you with this form or ask in our Discord server.

This form will follow these simple steps:
  • Gauge your skill level and experience (we do not discriminate based on skill, we just want to know where we need to train you).
  • Ensure you understand the expectations of a 609th member.
  • Complete the requirements of a recruit (sign up on our website, join our Discord, etc).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your gamer tag?

This will be your name throughout the 609th.
What is your Steam Profile URL? *
What is your Discord username?  *
How old are you? *
Were you referred by someone? If so, who?
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