Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with the Chesterfield County School Board. The School Board encourages public participation at regular meetings. The order of business of any regular meeting shall include opportunities for the public to address the School Board as provided in School Board Policy 1110. Please refer to the policy for specific procedures for Public Hearings and the Public Comment portions of the agenda.
Following is the procedure by which the public may speak before the School Board:
Persons who have requested to offer comment on subjects germane to the services or policies of Chesterfield County Public Schools not a subject for a scheduled public hearing will be heard during the specified public comment period of the meeting. Public comment will be conducted under the agenda topic "Public Comment" at each regular School Board meeting at such time as the School Board determines in its meeting agenda development. Persons wishing to speak are asked to notify the Clerk by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting and to provide the specific subject of the schools-related comments to be offered. Individuals shall limit their comments to four minutes. Individuals may not yield their time to other speakers. The Chair may further limit the time allotted to speakers and the number of speakers in order to ensure the orderly conduct of the meeting and the conclusion of the meeting at a reasonable time. When limiting the number of speakers, the Chair shall give priority to those who did not speak during the public comment period of the immediately previous meeting.