Improving Access to Grazing Resources for Native Beef Producers 
Intertribal Agriculture Council - Farm Journal Foundation - ESMC - Yield Lab Institute

  • Are you a Native American producer located in Montana, Florida or Oklahoma? 
  • Are you interested in using grazing practices to sell more beef? 
  • Are you interested in receiving funding for your good practices?
If you answered yes to the above questions, fill out this short survey, and after submitting your responses, we will reach out to you with any questions or to schedule a conversation to see how the program can support you and your operation. If you would prefer to speak to someone in person, please reach out to one of the below contacts.

Zane Not Afraid
Interregional Manager (Montana)
Intertribal Agriculture Council

Mackenize Martinez 
Interregional Manager (Florida)
Intertribal Agriculture Council

Jeff Caskey
Technical Assistance Specialist (Oklahoma)
Intertribal Agriculture Council

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and Last name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address
 In which state do you raise beef cattle?
What is your tribal affiliation?
How many head of cattle do you raise? *
What percentage of your on-farm revenue comes from beef cattle production? *
What type of land do you operate on (allotment, tribal, non-tribal, fee) and how many total acres? *
If your operation is located in Montana, does your operation run in common with other producers?
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How would you classify your land?
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Are you current with USDA FSA (Farm Service Agency)? *
Do you possess any maps of your operation?
Clear selection
Are you currently participating in any USDA NRCS or FSA conservation programs that provide incentive payments for your agricultural practices? If yes, what programs are you enrolled in? *
Are you willing to maintain or implement rotational grazing and related practices if you were to participate in this project? *
What grazing practices do you actively use on the acres you manage? Select all that apply: *
What grazing practices would you like to use in the future on the acres you manage? Select all that apply: *
What types of operation and conservation goals do you have for your land an operation? Select all that apply: *
May FJF contact you with occasional project updates for Native American beef producers, including opportunities for financial and/or technical assistance? *
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