Join the League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear
The League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear provides many fulfilling opportunities to work with your community on public policy.  Diversity, equity and inclusion are central to our mission in creating a more perfect democracy.  We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization.

Individual $70   Family $105   Student $0
Pay What You Can (Pay the amount you can, either online or by check. If unable to pay, simply complete the form).

Payment (Dues and donations are charitable deductions)
  Paypal.  (Click on the button “Add to Cart”.  LWV-LCF pays the fees)
  Zelle.  (Send to using the Zelle app.  Save LWVLCF from paying the fees)
  By Check or Money Order:  LWV-LCF, PO Box 4503, Wilmington NC 28406

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Membership Status *
First Name *
Last Name *
Name of Additional Household Member Joining LWV - OPTIONAL
Email address for additional member joining LWV. - OPTIONAL
Phone number for additional member joining LWV. - OPTIONAL
Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Cell Phone number (enter "None" if no cell phone) *
Home Phone number (REQUIRED if no cell phone provided)
County *
Were you recruited/referred by someone? If so, please tell us who recruited you?
Tell us your interests in working with us (you may choose more than one)  Voter Services (candidate forums - voter registration and outreach) Women’s Issues Action Team (equal rights, healthcare, women’s history) Fair Elections Action Team (addressing voter suppression, fair district maps, Vote411) Ambassador (greeter, hospitality, League information) Scholarship committee (high school) Youth engagement (school aged, high school, college) Board operations (communications/media, board officer, action team leader, fundraising, event planning)
How do you wish to pay your dues?   *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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