Ward 5 Solar Bulk Purchase Sign Up
Ready to go solar with your neighbors? Fill out the form below to indicate that you would like to move forward with the Ward 5 Neighorhood Solar Bulk Purchase.

Signing up below isn't a final commitment to going solar, but we ask that you sign up only if you are fairly certain you would like to move forward.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Address *
Phone *
Email *
Don't worry, we won't share your email with anyone
How old is your roof? *
Do you have any leaks or other known problems with your roof? *
Do you have any questions or concerns about going solar? If so, what are they?
Would you like to purchase your system, or lease it? *
For homeowners you can either purchase panels outright or lease them for $0 upfront.
How did you hear about the bulk purchase?
Installer Selection Criteria
Once we have enough people signed up to participate in the bulk purchases we will issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) from area installers, so we can get a bid for the cost of a system through each company.

In the RFP we will request that they provide information on price, system components, warranties, resumes, references, and information on their business.  

We'd like your input on additional information you would like for us to request from the installers.
When looking for a solar installer it is important that they:
You can select more than one option
What other criteria are important to you when selecting a solar installer?
Would you be interested in participating in the selection committee?
Once we receive the bids, the selecting committee will review them and select the winning installer. You are welcome to participate on this committee if you'd like (no solar knowledge necessary!) but it is not required.
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