7 Steps to Launch Discovery Form
Congratulations on taking a serious step towards launching or growing your business. My name is De'Von Truvel, creator of Black Wall Street the Board Game and co host of The M4 Show. I work with 9 - 5 employees who are looking to launch a business while working their job. I did it and you can do it too!  If you are ready to take your dream or passion to the next level I am here to help you along the way.

Take your time to provide accurate answers to the questions below to give me the information I need to help you launch your business.

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Email *
Your Name
What level are you in your journey *
In your experience what is the hardest part about starting a business? *
Do you know your unique gift or value proposition? *
What business market are you in or interested in? *
What books have you read to learn about business? *
In Your opinion, why do most businesses fail? *
In your opinion, what makes a business succeed? *
What do you want to know before launching? If you have already launched, what do you wish you knew? *
Do you use a journal or planner? *
Would you be interested in a free snippet of the book? *
Which chapter would you want? (Choose 3)
Would you be interested in free live webinars?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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