Please complete the form below to register for the talks below. You will receive reminders approximately a week and day in advanced of the talks you've registered for.
Each talk will be hosted on zoom and are times are listed in Central Time.
Friday, September 20th, 12-1pm CT
Darlène Dubuisson - Reclaiming Haiti's Futures: Returned Intellectuals, Placemaking, and Radical Imagination
Wednesday, October 23rd, 12pm-1pm CT
Jennifer Riggan - Hosting States and Unsettled Guests: Eritrean Refugees in a Time of Migration Deterrences
Friday, October 25th, 12pm-1pm CT
Alla Korzh - "Shattered Dreams and Promises of Higher Education: How Ukrainian Youth Navigate Higher Education Despite the Odds"
Friday, November 8th, 12pm-1pm CT
Hyunjoon Park - "A Paradox of Gender Differences in ICT Self-Efficacy: A Comparative Study of 49 Countries"
Tuesday, November 12th, 11am-12pm CT
Joan DeJaeghere - Reflexive Mixed Methods Research in Comparative and International Education: Context, Complexity, and Transdisciplinarity