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In the method of working from whole to part, the main control point is located with:
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In a water distribution system, the domestic water demand to be considered as per IS:1172- 1963 is:
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Which of the following artificial stones is manufactured by blending silica soda with cement to provide fancy and ornamental flooring?
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Which of the following is a characteristic of contour?
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Granite, Gabbro and Basalt are different types of:
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Density index is defined as:
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The condition for the maximum discharge through a circular channel can be expressed as:
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Which harmful substances in brick earth do not allow the clay to be mixed thoroughly, spoil the appearance of the brick and it may crack while working?
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The theoretical detention time for a continuous flow settling tank in drinking water works will be:
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For a normally consolidated coarse grained soil, the effective angle of internal friction was obtained as 30° . Its coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest (K₀ ) would be nearest to:   
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Which of the following statements is related to the conservancy system of sanitation?
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The work saved by fitting an air vessel in a single-acting reciprocating pump is ______, while in case of a double-acting reciprocating pump, the work saved is ______.
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In timber, the defects due to abnormal growth are:
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The resultant velocity of a fluid particle at (2, 1, 3) at time t = 1 for the velocity vector 4x³ i − 10x²yj + 2tk is determined as (fluid flow)
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The water distribution system which requires a large number of scour valves is the:
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Which of the following statements regarding the common characteristics of building materials under stress is INCORRECT?
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The term used to indicate the sundry solid waste from offices, residences and other buildings, waste building materials, broken furniture, rags etc., is:
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A stream function is given by  Ψ  = 5x-6y. The direction of the resultant velocity at any point is determined as:
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According to Pascal's law, the intensity of pressure of a static fluid at a point is the _______ in all  directions.
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The direct method of contouring is preferred:
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