Islanders Employment Application
Administrative Assistant / Receiving
Office Assistant / Receiving Position

Islanders Coastal Outfitter
Okaloosa Island Fort Walton Beach

Reports to: Office Supervisor

Job Responsibilities:

Primary job summary: This job includes, but is not limited to: assisting buyers with order entry, receiving inventory and various tasks to support the merchandise team.

Additional duties include supporting office administrative duties as needed.

Reports to: Buyer and Office Manager

Job Type: Part-time / Full-Time

Islanders' Core Values:

* Serve our customers - Grateful, Friendly and Fair.

* Listen - Seek input from our customers, our staff and our vendors.

* Adapt and evolve - Relentlessly seek improvements.

* Do good things - Serve as a corporate role model.

* Employ and train Islanders-type people. Bring them onto our team and mentor their growth.

Job Types: Full-time, Part-time

Pay: $11.00 - $15.00 per hour

Islanders is an equal opportunity employer, drug free and tobacco free work environment. Islanders store team dress code includes no facial jewelry.
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