Sense without sight / blind navigation workshop & volunteer signup
Quick reference
* call me at x4724 if < 1 day response time - expect me to only read email, text, etc once at waketime & once at bedtime
* overview
* instructions
* this signup form
* post-participation feedback form
* discloseable prior feedback
* interaction tips
* my background
* socials #BlindNavigation @saizai (& please email link if not tagged)

Cached message - last updated 2pm, Wed. 29 May 2024:

0. Contact

Thursday to Monday, please assume that I will only read email, texts, Discord, etc etc., when I wake up and when I go to sleep.

If it's anything that needs a faster response time than 1 day, please call me at x4724.

1. Scheduling & signups

I'm getting a slow trickle of signups. That's pretty typical - people always do it at the last minute. If you think someone should sign up, poke 'em.

In particular, I will need more assistants than are currently signed up. Please poke anyone you think would be willing to act as an assistant and ask them to sign up. I need at least 1 assistant per student (unless it's a special 1-on-1 session), and it's a lot easier on me if I have another 1 meta-assistant for groups of more than 3 students. If fewer than the minimum 1-to-1 ratio turn up (and Alex isn't available or isn't enough to bump us up to even pairs), some would-be students will have to switch to being assistants on the spot.

You are of course always welcome to come back for another session as an assistant, and always welcome as a student if you haven't done that before. In my experience it's beneficial for someone to do both roles, so I recommend you do both even for your own sake (not just because it's excellent to others).

I'll probably announce the Thursday group and time once I've finished setting up and mapping camp myself, so ballpark 2pm ish on Thursday. I expect to announce the Friday through Sunday sessions either just before I go to sleep the night before, or in the morning day of.

Feel free to say hello in person! We'll hopefully be setting up right next to the cluster of 4 trees south of the lounge, decorated with a full size purple/gold/black conlang flag. And I should be very easy to spot - beige broad-brim hat, welding glasses, long white & red cane, and white & red hiking stick. I probably don't know you're there, so just come up and introduce yourself. See

Yes, people can sign up during the event. I prefer if it’s at least a day in advance so that I can process things before I go to sleep. However, short notice is okay if there’s space. Filling out the signup form is required no matter what, in part because it has a legal liability waiver.

2. Instructions

I wrote up my instructions for students & assistants - see

You are not  required to read or memorise them. I will go over essentially everything anyway, in a progressive manner or where it's relevant, though I try not to be that verbose.

However, if you've read it ahead of time, that'll help things go much more quickly, so we can breeze through the boring parts, so we can focus on the parts that are bespoke or can only be done in person. It also helps to conserve my voice, attention, and other spoons.

3. Discord

I usually hang out socially on Discord, and I'm thinking of adding one for participants. If you have thoughts on that, please let me know.

FYI, there's an unofficial EMF Discord at

You're welcome to friend/DM me - just remember #0.

4. Disability and O&M

If you indicated any disability issues or things suggesting you might benefit from real-world use (O&M), and there's been a night since then, I should have already contacted you directly.

If I haven't, call.
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What to expect, volunteer roles, links to this form, etc.

# Volunteers needed!

Details at link above. If you might be able to help, please add yourself below (and give contact info) so I can schedule a meetup.

For workshops: 1-on-1 assistant for student participant; videographer for 1 session 

Duration: 1.5–2.5h
Starting location: at my tent (marked with a conlang flag), next to the cluster of 4 trees south of the lounge

Sign-up required.
Contact info
For me:
  • < 4 hours response time: call, not text
  • < 1 day response time: SMS, Google Voice/Meet, Signal, Telegram, or WhatsApp call/text +15103944724 (+1 510 FYI 4 SAI), or EventPhone call EPVPN x7427 (SAI-7) or DECT 4724 (4-SAI)
  • > 1 day response time:, Twitter DM @saizai

For you:

I'm asking so that I can
  • get in contact with you quickly during the event
  • recognize who you are
  • RT you if you post something about it
  • follow up on anything in this form
  • connect your signup responses here with your feedback responses at 
Nothing will be shared or disclosed except
  • with your specific permission
  • temporarily with my husband, Alex Fink, to help me contact you and know about your signup
  • using your name and pronouns in person
I'm really bad at remembering names and identifying voices of people I don't know well. Please remind me if I forget or don't recognise you by voice.
Name *
I'm Sai. Please list whatever you want me to call you IRL; I don't care what's on your ID. If you prefer to be anonymous, please just use the same pseudonym here and on the feedback form.
Mine is EPVPN x7427 (SAI-7), or DECT 4724 (4-SAI). Google/Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp +1 510 394 4724 (+1 510 FYI 4 SAI).
Email *
Mine is
Discord username
Mine is @saizai.
Twitter handle
Mine is @saizai.
IRC handle
Mine is saizai.
I use 'they', but anything gender-neutral animate is fine by me.
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