We wish to confirm our participation in a consortium commission to be composed by Elizabeth Alexander. This form provides GALA Choruses with the information to be included in the dedication as it should appear in the score. Also, it provides GALA Choruses with information regarding our chorus payment toward the commission consortium participation fee.

Our chorus is a member of GALA Choruses and agrees to:
Pay a sliding fee of $150-450 to support the commission process. Includes score and school curriculum.
Premiere the commission in our city between September 2023 and June 2024. Choirs not attending the GALA Festival are welcome to perform the commission later. 
If possible, collaborate with at least one local school for performance and curriculum exploration.
(Optional) Perform the commission as part of a mass chorus at GALA Festival 2024, as space allows.  Performing singers will arrive a day early to work with composer, rehearse and have time to network and connect with other consortium choruses.

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Email *
Chorus Name *
Provide name as you wish it to appear in the printed score.
Chorus Type *
Chorus location and website
Chorus Contact Name for Roma Commission Planning *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone *
Contact Mailing Address *
Artistic Director Name *
Artistic Director Email *
Artistic Director Phone *
Participation at Festival 2024  - registered choirs only
Note: GALA Festival performance venues are limited to 250-300 singers on stage. Depending on the number of choirs participating in the Roma commission, choirs may be invited by lottery, or asked to select a percentage of singers to perform at Festival. 
Is your chorus interested in performing this commission in a Blockbuster at Festival? *
How many singers do you expect to attend Festival 2024. *
Payment & Contract
Commission Participation Fee
Sliding fee of $150-450. We encourage choruses to contribute toward the commission generously as your budget allows. Participating choruses will share the commission (and printed dedication). Payment must be received by July 30, 2023 (or a payment plan negotiated). Contact

GALA Choruses
P.O. Box 99998
Pittsburgh, PA 15233

Our chorus will contribute the following amount: *
Additional notes or comments...
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