Add My Company to the Map
Please provide the following information to be added to our interactive ecosystem map
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Authorization *
Company Name *
List company as you would like it to appear on the KSC Ecosystem Map
Parent Company (If Applicable)
Space Ecosystem Participant Category *
This will determine which icon will be used to represent your location
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code *
Separate entries with a semicolon. If none, type (N/a)
Products and Services (Product and Service Codes) *
Separate entries with a semicolon. If none, type (N/a)
Government Customers
Space-relevant Government Contract Funding (2016-2021)
NASA Grant Funding (2016-2021)
Reported Revenue
Start-up Investment (if applicable)
Number of Employees
Address *
Congressional District *
Latitude *
In Google Maps, right click on your company's red pin to see the longitude and latitude. The first number is latitude.
Longitude *
In Google Maps, right click on your company's red pin to see the longitude and latitude. The second number is longitude.
Publicly Traded *
Startup *
Please self-identify if your company is considered a startup
Your Name *
Please include your first and last name
Contact Email *
Contact Phone Number *
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