Junior City Market- The Heart of Lebanon
Application for Junior Main Street Market(s), part of the Heart of Lebanon's City Market, held Tuesday June 25th, 2024 and Tuesday September 3rd, 2024. Questions? Email jrmainstreet@heartoflebanon.org
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Which market date would you like to register for? (or both)
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Child's Name *
Child's Age *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Contact Email  *
Address - Please Include City, State, and Zip *
Phone *
Proposed Business/Vendor Name: (we will use this to advertise/post on social media) *
Business/Vendor Information: (please briefly describe the business) *
Please indicate and describe which items you will be selling: (hand crafted items, jewelry, slime, hair bows, etc.)
Homemade Processed Foods/Drinks- In order to sell homemade baked goods, you will need to follow all guidelines outlined in the "Home Based Food Vendor" State guidelines found here:  https://www.in.gov/localhealth/browncounty/files/Home-Based-Vendors-Guidance-document.pdf
*Home grown produce does not require a license and may only be cut from the plant and sold. It should not be washed or cut again, it should be sold whole.

Step 1: You would be required to obtain a home based vendor license, a list for allowable online licenses can be found here: https://www.in.gov/health/food-protection/files/Food-Handler-Fact-Sheet-11.17.22.pdf

Step 2: Review the Guidelines found above to ensure proper labeling, packaging, and handling home based products.

You will be required to show the completed certificate and the product must follow the guidelines in order to be sold. 

If you agree and understand the stipulations above, please list the type of product you plan to sell in the space below:
Promoting a service oriented business (lawnmowing, leaf raking, cleaning, babysitting, snow shoveling, etc.)
Other- please specify below
Junior Main Street Markets will be held downtown on Meridian street under the catenary lights.  Hours of operation will be Tuesday from 5PM-7PM July 26th 2024 and/or September 3rd, 2024, rain or shine.  Vendors must be in place and ready to open at least 15 minutes prior to the market opening.  If you are using a vehicle, it must be in place by 4:45PM.  At that time, the street will be closed to traffic for safety reasons.

Each space will be 10' x 10'.  Each vendor is solely responsible for their own tables, displays, change, bags, protection from the elements, produce scales, etc.

Lebanon City Market may not be used as an outlet for the sale of flea market type items.  Certain hand crafted items will be permitted, with the approval from the LCM personnel prior to sale at the market.  Please contact Lebanon City Market at JrMainStreet@heartoflebanon.org  to have your handcrafted items approved.  Lebanon City Market reserves the right to revoke approval of sale items if they do not meet the standards set forth in this document and approval agreement.

Produce vendors will be allowed to co-op and sell items from another farm.  Said items must be labeled with the location of the farm and the total amount of items cannot exceed more than 50% of the vendor's inventory.  All vendor booths and sale item approvals or denials are at the sole discretion of Lebanon City Market personnel.  The Lebanon City Market has the right to limit the number of booths selling the same type of item.

Do you agree with these terms of the Lebanon City Market?
By adding name and date below, you agree to having read and understood the above conditions for the market event in order to qualify as a vendor.  *
Please add date of application submission *
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