UMANT Committee Sign-up Form
  • Want to get more involved with UMANT? 
  • Do you have a desire to engage with local government professionals and colleagues? 
  • Do you want to accelerate your career in city management? 
If yes... Serve on a UMANT Committee today! 

Fill out this form and the Executive Committee will get back with you regarding your membership on one of UMANT's Committees: Special Events, Networking and Mentorship, Membership and Partnership, Professional Development, and Communications
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Cell phone number *
Where do you work? 
What is your title?
What grad school did you graduate from, or currently attending? *
Have you served on a UMANT Committee before?  *
If so, which Committee did you serve on? 
Which Committee would be your first choice to serve on? *
Which Committee would be your second choice to serve on? *
Would you like to serve as Chair of a Committee? *
Are there any challenges you foresee (Budget season, work commitments, family commitments, etc.) that may hinder your ability to serve on a Committee?  *
What do you hope to gain while serving on a UMANT Committee? *
By submitting this application, I acknowledge that I will commit my time and best efforts to the service of UMANT. (Please enter the current date).  *
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