Messages in the Media
Watch an episode of your favorite television program (school appropriate of course) with the commercials and keep track of the different messages that are conveyed and how that will impact viewers.
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1. Explain three different messages that the show conveys regarding societal norms (gender, relationships,peers, etc..) ex. Game of thrones promotes wonton killing, greed, etc… *
2. Explain three different messages that are conveyed through the commercials regarding societal norms.If you are watching the show through a streaming site, instead look at the messages that are being conveyed through the advertisements on a popular website (ex. Yahoo). List the product that is being advertised as well. Ex. Beer commercial portrays drinkers as active, social, and beautiful. *
3. Based off your observations in the television show and advertisements how could you see this impacting the views who watch the program regularly? Three ways *
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