(J2) Song - Michael Jackson -  The Man in the Mirror
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Number: *
This video has some very sad images of HUNGER (飢餓), poverty(貧窮), and racism (種族主義). You can watch the video at the bottom if you prefer to NOT see these pictures.
Michael Jackson- The Man in the Mirror
Lyrics Video:
Q#1. *
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Q#9. *
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Q#10. *
1 point
Check the lyrics. The answer is a correct answer above!
Q#11. How many brothers did Michael jackson have? *
1 point
Q#12. In what year did the Jackson 5 make their first record album (錄製專輯)? Type the number! *
1 point
Q#13. In 1979, Michael made his first SOLO album. Solo means _______. *
1 point
Q#14. MTV is/was _____. *
1 point
Q#15. Michael was not only famous for singing and dancing, but also for... *
1 point
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