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2023 Safer Internet Day Survey #SID2023
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Staff Member
Do you have the SMART poster on display in class?
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Have your pupils read and signed the Pupil AUP for the Internet and Digital technologies? (P1-P3 classes can ignore this question)
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What should your pupils do if they ever encounter something online in school which makes them feel uncomfortable?
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Are you aware of pupils using apps such as Whatsapp/Snapchat  and/or other apps to  communicate regarding homework tasks or classwork?
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What is the school policy with regards to parents/guardians reporting cases of online bullying outside of school hours? (The assumption in each case below is that you've liaised with the DT, pastoral care co-ordinator or principal first of all and kept a paper record of the incident.)
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Are you aware of pupils in your class having access to, or using TikTok or Instagram?
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Have you completed at least one Internet Safety Activity/Lesson in your class in the past few weeks or do you intend to do one before Easter?
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Pupil Section
What year group are you in?
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Foundation Stage and KS1 pupils
How many of these popular icons can you name? Count your answers with your parents/guardians.
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What is the name of your favourite online website/app? (Ask an adult to help with the spelling if you need it)
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Do you have any 'online friends'? Online friends are friends that you have NEVER met face to face.
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What do you do if you see anything online that makes you sad, worried or uncomfortable?
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Have you ever visited or used YOUTUBE or NETFLIX to watch TV?
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Are YOUTUBE and NETFLIX on the internet?
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Are mum/dad ALWAYS in the same room as you when you go online or watch YOUTUBE / NETFLIX?
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Key Stage 2 pupils
How many of these popular icons can you name? There are 30 to get. Count your answers with your parents/guardians.
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What do the letters of the SMART poster stand for?
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What should you do if you encounter anything online that makes you uncomfortable?
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Do you have any 'online friends' that you have NEVER met in person or face to face?
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If you own a phone, internet TV, laptop, computer etc. , do your parents/guardians check it at least once a week?
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If you have an 'online friend' that you have never met in person, what should you do if they invite you to a new / different game or app?
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In the last 7 days - have you used Whatsapp / Snapchat or any other messaging app? (Any app that allows you to chat with others!)
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If you see mean or harmful content online about a friend or someone else you know, what should you do?
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What should you do if a pop-up link on the screen tells you to 'Click Here' to get free online points such as Ro-Bucks, Microsoft Points or V-Bucks?
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What do you know about the 'age restrictions' on apps such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc.
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Parent / Guardian Section
Have you read and signed the Pupil Acceptable Usage Policy for the Internet and Digital technologies with your son/daughter at home? (P1-P3 classes can ignore this question)
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Roughly, how many internet connected devices are currently in your household altogether?
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Have you setup parental controls on any of the SHARED household devices? (Laptops, TVs, iPads etc. used by all family members)
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Do you currently use any filtering or supervision APPS that you would recommend to other families? Please name them and where they can be downloaded from.
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Do you agree with school policy that in instances where online bullying concerns are reported, the school may choose to advise the individuals concerned of which external agencies to contact, (e.g. NSPCC, Childline, PSNI or other relevant agency).
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Do you agree that pupils should never have possession of any personal devices that record audio, video or images DURING the school day? 
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Do any of your children possess their own personal internet connected device? e.g. Mobile phone, Tablet, e-Reader etc.
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If you answered YES to the previous question, which device(s) do they own?  (Choose all relevant options - If you answered NO - then select N/A)
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How would you describe the level of supervision given to your child/children when accessing the internet on their personal device(s)?
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Do any of your children report having 'online friends'? (This does NOT INCLUDE school friends they happen to connect with online!)
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Do any of your children have or use THEIR OWN social media accounts? (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)
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What is the general age restirction on the most commonly used Social Media apps (Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram etc.)?  
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Which statement below best describes your opinion of whether children of a PRIMARY SCHOOL age should have access to social media such as Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram and Snap Chat?
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Do you agree with the following statement? 

'Children under the age of 13 should NEVER have their own account on social media platforms!'
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Do you agree with the following statement? 

'Children under the age of 13 should have SUPERVISED access to their own accounts on social media platforms!'
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Do you regularly check your child's internet connected devices to see what they are doing on them? (Regularly means at least once per week)
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Are there any APPs on their devices that you do not know what they are for?
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Do you know how to set parental controls on their devices? (Without the help of your son/daughter!)
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What do you think your child should do if they encounter anything online that makes them uncomfortable?
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Are there any specific areas of Internet Safety that you would like extra help and support with? (Please note that we cannot respond individually to these but common themes will be addressed in future.)
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