[IC] Freya by Wuque Studio 
Freya Partial Colors  Photos: https://imgur.com/a/Rgtvgyg   

Share your idea about Freya with us
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Hi Everyone,

We are so excited to announce that we have a brand new keyboard - Freya will coming soon. We would love for you to fill out this interest check form to share your ideas with us on this project.

Thank you!
Wuque Studio Team
Standard Case Colors
Besides of the above case colors, what case colors would you like?
If we were to add more case colors, which of these would you prefer?
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Which finishing / coating would you prefer for the bottom case?
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Which color of these anodized bottom case would you like?
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Do you prefer single-mode PCB that supports QMK?
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Hotswap or Solder PCB?
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What knob color would you like for Freya?
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What shape of slider would you like on Freya?
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What slider color would you like for Freya?
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What colors would you like for the portrait of Freya at the bottom?
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Which plate materials would you prefer in your builds?
Would you like the Freya PCB to have flex-cut or non-flex cut?
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What features would you like to see for the touch screen knob?
Anything else you would like to share with us?
Thank you, please also feel free to join our Discord for more updates:  https://discord.gg/mxJMawCWdM
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