Learn and Play Chess Registration

Join us for an engaging and educational series of chess events designed to connect literacy with the strategic game of chess. Hosted by Reading Partners at our Charleston office, this series aims to bring the community into our space, fostering critical thinking, social-emotional skills, and lifelong learning. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player, there’s something for everyone!

These events will provide your child with exposure to chess, enhancing their focus, patience, and critical thinking skills, while fostering social-emotional growth through resilience, discipline, and a love for learning.

Learn & Play Sessions:
Sunday, July 7
2 PM - 5 PM

Youth Chess Tournament
Sunday, August 4
2 PM - 5 PM

Registration Information: Please register by Friday, July 5th,  so we can ensure we have enough snacks, materials, and resources for all participants.

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I, the undersigned, hereby consent to my participation , or my child's participation in the Learn & Play Chess Series hosted by Reading Partners. I also grant permission for the use of my likeness (photos, videos) for event-related promotional purposes. I understand that this consent is voluntary and can be revoked at any time by contacting the event organizers.

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