SailBlind Program Application Form* - Sailors
Photo description: photo of a sailboat on the Charles River with four sailors in it and the skyline of Boston skyscrapers in the background.

Welcome (or welcome back) to our SailBlind Program! They say sailing is a lifetime sport so it's never too late to start or get back out there on the water.

Please note: should you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please contact
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Cell Phone Number: *
Street Address: *
Town: *
State: *
Zip: *
Emergency Contact Name (First & Last): *
Emergency Contact Relationship to you: *
Emergency Contact Phone Number: *
Birth Date: MM/DD/YYYY *
How do you plan to get to the boathouse or the drop off location (Whitney Hotel)? *
Do you use any of the following for mobility? *
How did you hear about our program? *
If "other", please be specific.
What is your affiliation with The Carroll Center for the Blind? *
Are you a returning guide or new to the program? *
How would you rate your sailing experience? *
If you have prior sailing experience, please explain (i.e. number of years, boats etc.)
If you have prior sailing experience, were you recreational, competitive, or both?
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What is your intention to go sailing?
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If you are a returning sailor, what do you like about the program?
If you are a returning sailor, is there anything you think should be done differently this year?
If you are a new sailor, what are you excited to learn more about?
Regardless of your experience, do you have any goals for this summer?
Do you have an interest in having some on-land instructions (i.e. rigging, part of the boat) included in some of your sailing sessions)? *
Do you consent to having your photo taken for promotional material? *
T-Shirt Size *
Do you regularly use Facebook or Social Media? If so, please share your Facebook name or Instagram handle:
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