COURSE BOOKING FORM                          New Pastel School Course rescheduled to 7th to 9th October  2023
3 DAY COURSE at Sunny Bank Mills,  83-85 Town St, Farsley, Pudsey, LS28 5UJ
Please fill in and submit this form, so that we have all of the information we need for you to enjoy the course. Please get in touch if you have any additional questions,
On receipt of the form, we will send you a request for payment with our bank details on.
Cost £305
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Untitled Title
First Name *
Family Name *
Address *
Post Code *
Home Telephone *
Mobile Telephone 
Email address *
Contact name and number In Case of Emergency *
Relationship to you of your emergency contact *
Experience -  What is your experience of using pastels? Are you a beginner, have used them a bit, been on several courses? etc

Food allergies - Please let us know if you have any food allergies or definite intolerances that we should be aware of. On this course this is only relevant for teas, coffees and biscuits, as we are not catering for lunches.


Mobility - Do you have any problems with mobility? It helps to know, so that we can set up the room accordingly. The room we use is accessible by stairs and a lift.


Any other questions? Do you have any other questions about the course?

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