Language Placement Form
This form is for students who wish to take a GLN language class but are unsure which level would be best for them.
If you have already completed a GLN class (with good attendance) in the language you wish to take, then you may not have to complete this form. You will automatically be invited to participate in the subsequent level. For example, if you have completed a Spanish Foreigner class and have missed no more than 2 classes, then you will automatically be invited to take the Spanish Tourist class and do not need to fill out this form.

This form will take about 10 - 15 minutes to complete. Please respond objectively and honestly to ensure accurate placement.

You will receive your suggested placement at the end of the test. Please note that course placement does not guarantee a spot in this class. You must still submit a class request in order to be included in the class lottery. Similarly, your class request will not be processed during registration without a language placement into the course you requested.
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First name *
Last name *
Email Address *
What is your GLN username?
NOTE: Due to GLN IT changes, we are no longer using the Member Portal. However, if you previously had a GLN account with us, you can enter it here. We will no longer be using the Member Portal itself. [Your GLN username is what you use to log in your student account (accessible through top right of our website - where it says Member Portal) ]
What language are you interested in taking? *
Please select from the list below. **Language list subject to change.
Have you studied this language with GLN before? *
Please choose one of the options below:
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