Friendship Christian School Student Driving and Parking Agreement
Driving to school at Friendship Christian School and parking on campus are privileges and not rights!  The guidelines must be followed for the safety of our school family.
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Name *
Date *
 1.   All posted speed limit, traffic signs, and lane markings must be obeyed.
2.   Extreme caution is to be used at all times. Watch for children.
3.   The directions of the staff on duty must be followed.
4.   Reckless driving is not allowed at any time on school property or any of the adjoining roads including Falls of Neuse and Ivy Lane.
5.   Cars are to be parked in the properly designated areas on the campus.
6.  Students are to park and exit their cars upon arrival.  Students are not to return to the parking lot without permission from the office or until dismissal time.
7.  Students are not allowed to sit in cars before or after school, during lunch, during the school day, or at any other function.
8.   Once a student has arrived at school, he/she is not to leave the school grounds, take another student off campus, or loan his/her car to another student without permission from the office. He/she may not transport another student in his vehicle without permission from all parents involved and the school administration.
9. No music may be heard outside the vehicle.
Student Electronic signature:  By typing your name below, you are electronically signing your acceptance to the following statement:  I have read and understood the above rules and agree to abide by them. I realize that, if I should violate these rules, I will lose my privileges to drive to school and/or park on campus. *
Electronic Parent Signature *
Vehicle Make *
Vehicle Year *
Vehicle Color *
Student Driver's License # *
License Plate # *
Insurance Company *
Insurance policy # *
Name of regular passengers *
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