American River Stand Down Registration 2022
Pre-registering helps, with many different aspect's of Stand Down. Equipment, Food, to get you through the registration desk faster.    Looking forward to seeing you for ARSD 2022
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Email *
Veterans Last Name
Veterans First Name
Male / Female
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Date of Birth
Address / Homeless
Are you bringing a Spouse, Domestic Partner, Other?
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Are you bringing any Children?  How Many
Ages of Children (just so we have an idea, and have something to keep them busy)
Do you have a Pet?
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What Kind of Pet?   Dog / Cat?  
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Breed of pet
Jean Size
Do you have Transportation?
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Do you need Transportation?                                                                                                                         We will have buses picking up Veterans up at locations in the area.  We will have those locations listed on the Website: and the Facebook page:   Closer to the event.
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Services (Not all services may be available)
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