Are you a "geeky" girl in training? (2020 survey)
(Not a STUDENT? Take our working professionals survey!

Currently enrolled in college or university?
Are you studying a "geeky" subject?  
Do you identify as a woman or girl?

Complete our survey and you could receive $10, $25, or $50 (USD) worth of Amazon vouchers as a thank-you incentive.  We do a random drawing twice each month and reward up to 3 respondents.

The results of this survey will allow us to:
---- gather demographic data on women who love "geeky" subjects,
---- help us collect information on how entering your field can be improved for women, and
---- gain insight on the opinions of gender inequality within STEM fields.

Please, give us detailed answers. We want to hear your story, in your words. This information will help your fellow "geeky" girls and increase your chances of winning some Amazon spending money (we ask for your email address)!

Want to learn more about the project?
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The Geeky Girl Reality is conducted independently and not for profit by Ad Hoc Global, a human factors research agency.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Do you identify as a woman?
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If 'no' how do you identify?
What country do you live?
What subject are you (or are thinking about) studying?
What year (in your subject) are you in?
How did you become interested in studying your subject? Were you involved in any clubs or programs?
Did you go to space camp, join the mathletes, or become a member of a programming club?
What is your most used gadget and what do you use it for?
Do you use your computer for school only? Do you spend hours on your PS3 during the weekends?
What were you into when you were younger?
e.g. solving puzzles, entering science competitions, watching movies or TV
How confident are you about getting a job in your field?
Not at all confident (I'll never get a job! What am I going to do with my life?)
Extremely confident (Don't worry! I'll definitely get a job.)
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What have you already been doing and what will you do differently this upcoming school year that will prepare you for your career?
(Join clubs, attend tutoring sessions, create study groups, internships, etc.)
What did you do during the summertime?
(Did you do anything cool that helped further your experience in your chosen field?)
Are there enough women in your field?
Oh, heck no.
Yeah, there are so many!
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Do you have a role model or mentor? Tell us about her/him!
If not, why not?
How would you encourage young girls in middle school and high school to get more involved in science and tech?
How do you think women and men differ in their respective learning experiences?
Are girls better at certain subjects? Are boys treated differently in school?
Imagine your life in 10 years. Describe it to us...
(How do you see your future? Will you have a career?)
Are you aware of programs like Girls into science and technology (GIST), Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) and Project Access? Do you take part? What do you think of these programs?
.....Or any other similar programs. Please share the names of these.
Please give a valid email address to enter our twice-monthly Amazon voucher prize draw!
Would you be interested in chatting more about this topic via email or Skype?
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Bonus: What’s your favorite movie, TV show, or video game? We’d like to know!
Do you know an amazing "geeky" girl? Send her this survey:
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